32G South American Tank



Our South American tank was an idea that was almost an accident. Before we had really finalized about the idea; we had a plecostomus in with the fish in the Borneo tank. We quickly realized that our cute armored catfish had a taste for our poor Big Blue Gourami. There was no choice but to separate them, and thus, the South American tank was born.

After all the Borneo fish had been removed from this tank we added several Neon and Lemon tetra's. Much to our delight, they separated into their own shoals and explored the tank. It is truly calming to watch small schools of these beautiful fish as they move as one.

After a few hours of awe struck staring we had another idea. In the 10 Gallon tank we had been having a problem with a certain invertebrate. Our little friend "Mr. Shrimp" had suddenly revealed himself as "Mr. Prawn" AKA "The badass". We had been having some trouble figuring out why some tiger barbs were mysteriously dying, so we got up really early one morning, hoping to catch him action. Turns out the little guy was being harassed by the tiger barbs at night, and was defending himself.

"Mr. Shrimp" has since been returned to the store where he was originally bought from.  He is still there (several months later) and has been credited with numerous unexplained fish "snippings"


*** Gareth's note - The driftwood in this tank has been in my family for over 25 years. It was in my parents fish tanks before I was born, and has been handed down to me. I feel very fortunate that it has survived all this time.


10 Lemon Tetra - Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

10 Glowlite Tetra

6 Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon innesi

1 Plecostomus - Hypostomus plecostomus

Numerous Black Mystery Snails - Pomacea bridgesi


Dwarf Sagittaria - Sagittaria subulata

Java Ferns - Microsorium pteropus

Gymnocoronis spilanthoides


2 Mini Terra-cotta Pots

2 Terra-cotta Vases

3 Driftwood Logs

Numerous Decorative semiprecious polished stones


32 Gallon Tank

Aquaclear 150 Filter (Soon to be 300)
Single 24" Florescent Fixture

1 Power Glow Bulb

25 Year old Home made stand and custom lid
